Today was my 36 week appointment for BabyHarris (still no name, but we might be getting closer). We're right around the corner now!!
My blood pressure is still low, at 98/56, even after all the stresses of this past week. I'm very surprised!
My blood work came back from last week's appt and my white blood cell count is out of range, high, and so is something else. The nurse said that white blood cells go up when the body is trying to fight off infection. My doctor is not worried because he said that it's typical for someone at this stage of the pregnancy to have a higher white blood cell count... maybe my body is fighting the flu shot I received a couple of weeks ago.
Anyway, he checked the cervix for the first time, and I'm dilated at 1 cm and 50% efaced. This means, I have a LONG way to go to get to 10 cm dilated!!
He also noticed that I'm very swollen. He walked in the room and was just staring at my face asking if everything was ok. He said my face was very swollen, so he immediately checked my legs and feet for preeclampsia, but I don't have that, which is good! Apparently I'm just retaining a lot more water than he's used to seeing in such a short time. I also noticed my "chubby" face a couple of days ago when I looked in the mirror. I just figured it was all catching up to me and my face was finally seeing some effects.... it must be water retention!!
Anyway, next appt is next Friday at 9am. Hopefully I'll be more like 4 cm dilated so we can get this train a movin'!!!