November 16, 2007 at 9:54am
7 lbs 4.3 oz and 19 1/4 inches

As many of you remember, I was blogging while in labor. That was lots of fun! No epidural until 2:30am. I'm not sure many of you know this, but according to the anesthesiologist, I'm "high strung" and I "don't know how to relax" so the epidural took 45 minutes to be put in place. Yes, 45 minutes. Not 4-5 minutes like most people, but actually 45 minutes! Granted, I have a high pain tolerance, but man oh man, I have no idea how people do it without the epidural. I wanted to ring this guy's neck for taking so long!
Anyway, labor was less than 14 hours which is good on a first delivery. Actual pushing labor was only 1 hour 14 minutes. I was on oxygen because the baby's heartrate was dropping during contractions. Well, the oxygen was making me a little light-headed and apparently my eyes were rolling in the back of my head a couple of times and I almost passed out. The nurse told me to relax several times and just let a couple of the contractions go by without pushing. My response?
"I'm not here to rest, I'm here to push and get her out of me!!" They all thought that was funny so I took over. Yes, the control freak in me started having to tell them when I was going to push because they didn't want to tell me when to push as they wanted me to rest. My doctor thought I would be pushing for about 3 hours, and out pops the head. He tells me that she has a ton of hair. That freaked me out because I was expecting bald since I had no heart burn. Boy (girl), does she have a lot of hair... and it's DARK! Mike and I are both fair skinned with auburn (red) hair. Granted, Mike was blonde as could be when he was younger, and I was bright red, but over the years, both of us got darker. I guess she's going to do the opposite.
Her eyes are this very dark blue-grey color, which I know can change in the next couple of years. I have brown and Mike has hazel. I wonder which way she'll go... thus far, she doesn't look like either one of us.
We also had our first scare. She was almost hospitalized for dehydration and losing 12% of her initial body weight, and 10% is typically the highest end doctors will tolerate. We had to swtich from breast to bottle for a day, and she gained 5.5 oz just in one day, and we'll go back to the breat (too much info?) at her next feeding in a couple of hours.
She's gorgeous and a high acheiver already! She can push off my shoulders and chest, she can stand up and take a few steps on my stomach and chest, and she bobs her head to music. I think the bobbing of her head is because I would beat my stomach like a drum when I listened to music in the car.
Anyway, I could go on and on. Instead, here are some more pictures!!