Since I'm just starting this, I'll need to backtrack a little. Here's a picture at about 8 weeks:

And here's a picture at about 20 weeks when we found out it's a GIRL:

Other things that have happened are that I failed the Glucose test by 2 points at week 27, and had to go in and take a 3 hour Diabetes test. In order to have accurate results, it requires fasting for 12 hours, and also nothing to eat or drink during the three hour test. Making a pregnant woman not eat or drink for over 15 hours is just cruel!!
I also found out at week 27 that I'm allergic to the baby. Yes, allergic to the baby!! It's called PUPPP (Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy). There is no known cause and no known cure. It happens in about 1 in 200 first time pregnancies (0.5%) in which 70% of those have boys. Since I'm having a girl, I've defied the odds! It's supposed to be like chicken pox where it doesn't reoccur, but you never know!
For the time being, I'm doped up on anti-histamines and cortisone cream mixed with anti-itch cream, and I'm doing better, I didn't really sleep during weeks 26-30, but now my body is figuring out how to sleep through the itch, and I'm getting more rest.
Andrea, one of my friends that I've known since third grade, threw me a baby shower on Sept 8. It was a lot of fun and BabyHarris got a lot of cool things!
My mom and Trish are throwing a Couples Shower on Saturday. I'll post more then.
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