Saturday, February 16, 2008

Alyssa Turns 3 Months Old

Alyssa turns 3 months old today. It's been a very busy week. She started daycare last week, and she did very well. She went back on Monday, and at 2am, we were awoken with a cough. By morning, that cough wasn't sounding very good, but she had no Fever and was smiling and happy, so off to daycare we go.

I asked who was sick that got my little Alyssa sick. She said all the babies had some kind of drainage and congestion... great...

Alyssa played hookie Wednesday and Thursday in order to get a little better. The cough still sounds pretty bad, but no congestion as it's all broken up. We have to suction the nose 2-3 times a day, but still very playful and happy as you can see from all the pictures in the posts below.

I took to the doctor's to weigh her on Friday so we could have an official 3 month weigh-in... So, last month she was 9 lbs 9 oz... you would think she would be in the 10 pound range, but she completely skipped the 10's and went straight to 11!! She's officially 11 lbs 0.5 oz and 22 3/4 inches long. Boy is she growing!

I woke up this morning with a very red throat and the sniffles so I am getting what she has. Mike and Dallas Grandma and Grandpa are not sick... We'll see how far this daycare bug spreads.

The doctor confirmed that she doesn't want Alyssa on food until her 4 month appt on March 17. She will also increase the Zantac amount based on weight. She's still only eating 3-4 oz at each sitting, and only 2 oz at 9:30pm. Even with all the spitting up, she managed to gain plenty of weight, which is good. She's not just fitting into some of her clothes, but she's outgrowing them also!

I might be biased, but she's the cutest baby ever!

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