Thursday, November 1, 2007

Today marks Week 37

Yes, today marks week 37 in this fabulous adventure of weight gain! However, my doctor's appointment isn't until tomorrow morning at 9am. Mike's company is throwing a lunch shower for us and the only appt time would have been 1:30pm and there was no way I was going to get on a scale right after a big lunch as we all know how skewed the numbers would be.

I'm feeling quite a bit of pressure so hopefully she's almost here! My bag is almist done being packed. Not really sure what else I'll need until it's time. I can't pack a phone, laptop, camera, batteries, or chargers until we're heading out the door because I need those things everyday. Mike still needs to put some of his things in the bag for in case there's a slumber party at the hospital!

I'm walking A LOT, and I'm told that helps. Oscar sure is enjoying all the walks, especially with the cooler weather.

I'll post an update after my appt tomorrow. Oh, and we might actually be getting closer with picking a name... Can anyone suggest any "good" 1 syllabole names for a middle name, except not Ann, Lynn, Leigh, Fae, Mae, Rae, Rose...

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