Friday, November 2, 2007

Week 37- BabyHarris Weekly Update

So frustrating, so frustrating!!! At today's appointment, it looks like she is just "baked" enough.

I am retaining so much water, it's starting to concern my doctor, but still not signs up pre-eclampsia. My hands are so red and I can barely type at times because my fingers are so swollen, I can barely bend them, especially in the mornings. My knees are getting much worse and it's hurting to walk. Blood is pooling behind my right knee which is causing more pain.

However, blood pressure is still fine, 118/60 so he sees no reason to actually induce as he still thinks it will lead to a C-Section. It's very nice of him to be so concerned about not performing a C-Section, whereas other doctors probably wouldn't care.

He hooked me up to a monitor for about 10 minutes to check activity and such. Apparently, I am having contractions, and I'm like, "that's" a contraction? I've been having those pains for a couple of weeks now, but I guess they're not strong enough to make a difference, but at least it makes me feel better to know that I actually am having contractions.

Diagnosis: SEX

I asked him if I could just acquire some sperm and insert. He laughed. He said he had never heard of anyone suggesting that. He said most people go to a sperm bank to become pregnant, not to become un-pregnant.

So frustrating... maybe she doesn't want to come until she has a name... looks like I've got a stubborn one on my hands!!

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